Welcome to 2018 Bloggers!
I am super excited to be blogging again. I had a amazing summer. So today in cyber-smart, we were doing a DLO. If you don't know what it is, it stands for Digital learning object. For our DLO, we did a google drawing and a screencastify about keeping your password a secret. We did this because we had to use 1 rule that was in the Kawa Of Care. I did the DLO with my two friends, Skye and Abby. Here is our google drawing.

I think it was easy to do the poster but a little hard to do the screencastify because we kept on giggling. Overall it, was fun doing the whole DLO. Hope you guys liked the screencastify and the google drawing. Please leave a positive comment and remember to never your tell your password to anyone. BLOG YOU LATER!
I think it was easy to do the poster but a little hard to do the screencastify because we kept on giggling. Overall it, was fun doing the whole DLO. Hope you guys liked the screencastify and the google drawing. Please leave a positive comment and remember to never your tell your password to anyone. BLOG YOU LATER!