
Friday, March 23, 2018

Inquiry Presentation!

Hey, I'm back with my learning. We have been talking about animals for the past few days in inquiry like Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, Fish and much, much more. Each of these would go under Invertebrate or Vertebrate. With the whole senior syndicate, we got into mixed groups and did a bus stop. The first animal  we started with on our bus stop, was our presentation. We also had present it to the whole Te Waka Ako. For our presentation you could do a skit, song and more. 

Here are photos and videos of some of our presentations 

Our skit  was a little hard to do because we had to make up a script for our skit. Other than that, it was still fun practising and watching the others present theirs. Our skit was about Reptiles. Please leave a positive comment. Blog you later!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

My reading DLO!

Hello, I'm back with my work! For the past 4 days, I have been making a DLO  ( Digital learning Object) for my reading. My DLO was a Google Animation. We read this book named Giving The Ocean A Voice. Our WALT is to combine my prior knowledge with my new learning to say what I think. (This is synthesising) At the end of my animation, I decided to put my Synthesising at the end of my animation. 

Here is my animation!

This was a little hard to do because it took me a long time. I got a bit stressed out sometimes but it was was still fun do. Please leave a positive comment on my post. Blog you later!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Show, But not tell.

Hey bloggers, I'm back with my learning. This week we are working on using descriptive language by sharing our writing straight onto our blog.  The challenge we have is to describe a place using only six sentences. After reading the description you need to guess the place that has been described. It would really help if you say what clues helped you come to this conclusion.

1. Water crashing into a big water pit.
2. Diving perfectly into deep water.
3. Bright green trees surrounding me like a big forest.
4. Water dripping down hard rocks
5. Loud water everywhere.
6. Insects crawling on the land.

Could you guess it?
Please leave your guesses in the comment area. Blog You Later!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Swimming At School!

Hey Bloggers, I'm back with my work. For the past few weeks, we have been  taking swimming lessons in our School pool and at Cameron pools. Only the year 3-6's can go to Cameron pools. We swim in our school pool on Wednesdays and Fridays and we swim at Cameron pools on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Next Friday we are going to have our swimming sports and it's going to be really fun. Here is a slideshow of Hauraki at Cameron pools and at our school pool.

Swimming at school is very fun because sometimes we practise our diving. At Cameron Pools we practise a lot of safety stuff and do lessons and we also sometimes have free time. This Slideshow that I made was easy and it didn't take long at all. Maybe you go to Cameron pools for lessons? Please leave a positive comment. Blog you later!